
第 15 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024 年 12月5日(木) 15時30分 ~ 16時30分
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館629教室
  • 講 演 者: Prof. Thomas Eiter  (Freie Universitat Berlin)
  • 講演題目: Existence of time-periodic flow past a rotating body by uniform
    resolvent estimates
  • 講演要旨:  We consider the time-periodic viscous flow around a rotating rigid  body. Since the linearization of this problem is not well-posed in a setting of classical Sobolev spaces, we introduce a framework of homogeneous Sobolev spaces where the corresponding resolvent problems are uniquely solvable. In the case of a pure rotation, one can further derive uniform resolvent estimates, which lead to the existence of solutions to the time-periodic problem. However, in the case of a rotating and translating body, the uniformity of the resolvent estimates requires additional restrictions, and the existence of time-periodic solutions merely follows if the two present oscillating processes are compatible, that is, if the rotational velocity of the body and the angular velocity  of the time-periodic forcing are rational multiples of each other. A counterexample suggests that this restriction is even necessary for existence of time-periodic solutions in the proposed functional framework.

  • 日   時:  2024 年 12月6日(金) 14時15分 ~ 16時30分
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: Prof. Manuel V. Gnann (Delft University of Technology)
  • 講演題目: Classical solutions to the thin-film equation with general mobility in the perfect-wetting regime
  • 講演要旨:  We prove well-posedness, partial regularity, and stability of the thin-film equation h_t + (m(h) h_{zzz})_z = 0 with general mobility m(h) = h^n and mobility exponent n∈ (1,3/2)∪(3/2,3) in the regime of perfect wetting (zero contact angle). After a suitable coordinate transformation to fix the free boundary (the contact line where liquid, air, and solid coalesce), the thin-film equation is rewritten as an abstract Cauchy problem and we obtain maximal L^p_t-regularity for the linearized evolution. Partial regularity close to the free boundary is obtained by studying the elliptic regularity of the spatial part of the linearization. This yields solutions that are non-smooth in the distance to the free boundary, in line with previous findings for source-type self-similar solutions. In a scaling-wise quasi-minimal norm for the initial data, we obtain a well-posedness and asymptotic stability result for perturbations of traveling waves.The novelty of this work lies in the usage of L^p-estimates in time, where 1 <p<∞, while the existing literature mostly deals with p = 2 at least for nonlinear mobilities. This turns out to be essential to obtain for the first time a well-posedness result in the perfect-wetting regime for all physical nonlinear slip conditions except for a strongly degenerate case at n = 3/2 and the well-understood Greenspan-slip case n = 1. Furthermore, compared to [J. Differential Equations, 257(1):15-81, 2014] by Giacomelli, the speaker, Kn\”upfer, and Otto, where a PDE approach yields L^2_t-estimates, well-posedness, and stability for 1.8384 ~ 3(15-√21)/17<n< 3(7+√5)/11 ~ 2.5189, our functional-analytic approach is significantly shorter while at the same time giving a more general result.This talk is based on joint work with Anouk C. Wisse (TU Delft): \href{https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.20400}{arXiv:2310.20400}.

  • 講 演 者: Prof. Piotr Bogusław Mucha (University of Warsaw)
  • 講演題目: The Compressible Euler System with Nonlocal Pressure
  • 講演要旨: In this talk, I will present a modified version of the compressible barotropic Euler system with friction, where a nonlocal, “fuzzy” pressure term replaces the traditional pressure. This nonlocal pressure is parameterized by ϵ>0ϵ>0, with the system formally converging to the classical pressure model as ϵϵ approaches zero. The main objective is to demonstrate that this modified system reliably approximates the classical compressible Euler system. Our findings are parameter-independent, allowing us to rigorously establish the convergence of solutions to those of the classical Euler system. An additional result is a rigorous derivation of the mass equation converging to various forms of the porous media equation as friction tends to infinity. This analysis is carried out in the whole space, which requires the use of an appropriate L1L1-in-time framework.The talk is based on joint work with Raphael Danchin from Paris.

第 14 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024 年 11月22日(金) 16時 ~ 17時30分
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 福泉 麗佳 氏 (早稲田大学)
  • 講演題目: Stochastic PDEs 入門
  • 講演要旨: 確率偏微分方程式論における基本的な概念と解析手法をPDE的な見方や言葉使いに寄り添う形で解説を行う。

第 13 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024 年 10月25日(金) 15時30分 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 川島 秀一 氏 (九州大学・早稲田大学)
  • 講演題目: Compressible viscous flows with rotational stratification effects
  • 講演要旨:  We consider the compressible viscous flows with rotational stratification
    effects. We propose a mathematical model and study its basic properties. In
    particular, we derive the equations for the entropy and the energy form. Also
    we consider the corresponding linearized system around a constant equilibrium
    state, and discuss its dissipative property by the energy method in the
    Fourier space. We observe that the dissipativity of this system is characterized
    by the function η(ξ) := |ξ|^4/(1 + |ξ|^2)^2.

第 12 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024 年 10月11日(金) 15時30分 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 村田 美帆 氏 (静岡大学)
  • 講演題目: Navier-Stokes-Korteweg方程式の表面張力つき自由境界問題に対する線形解析
  • 講演要旨:   Navier-Stokes-Korteweg方程式は,水と水蒸気のように単一成分で液相と気相の二相状態を相転移を伴いながら運動する圧縮性流体の流れを表す方程式である.本講演では,表面張力を考慮した自由境界問題に対する線形化方程式を半空間において考察する.レゾルベント問題に対する解作用素のR-有界性を示し,Weisによる作用素値のFourier掛け算作用素定理を用いて,線形化方程式の解の一意存在性と最大正則性評価が得られることを報告する.本講演は,Sri Maryani氏(Jenderal Soedirman University)との共同研究に基づく結果である.

第 11 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024年 7月12日(金) 15時30分 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 藤井 幹大 氏 (九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)
  • 講演題目: ”Ill-posedness of the 2D stationary Navier-Stokes equations on the whole plane with the application to the time-periodic problem”
  • 講演要旨: We consider the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on the whole plane. In contrast to the initial value problem, the solvability of the 2D stationary Navier-Stokes equations has been open. In this talk, we solve this problem negatively in the scaling critical Besov spaces framework. Moreover, we apply our method to the time-periodic problem and show the nonexistence of time-periodic solutions for some small time-periodic external forces..

第 10 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024年 6月21日(金) 15時30分 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館629教室(通常と教室が異なります)
  • 講 演 者: 渡邊 圭市 氏 (公立諏訪東京理科大学 工学部 共通・マネジメント教育センター)
  • 講演題目: ”On the incompressible limit for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system “
  • 講演要旨:  We consider the barotropic compressible Navier–Stokes–Korteweg equations in the whole space. In the two-dimensional case, we aim to construct the global large solutions to the system in the critical Besov spaces framework with large initial velocity and almost constant initial density provided that the pressure admits a stability condition and the volume viscosity is sufficiently large. As a by-product of the global existence result, we also obtain the incompressible limit result. We also make a comment on the higher dimensional case as well. The strategy of the proof is strongly inspired from Danchin and Mucha (2017, Adv. Math.).

第 9 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024年 5月24日(金) 15時30分 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 山本 立規 氏 (早稲田大学大学院基幹理工学研究科)
  • 講演題目: ”Nonhomogeneous boundary value problem for the steady Navier-Stokes
    equations in two-dimensional multiply-connected bounded domains
  • 講演要旨: We consider the nonhomogeneous boundary value problem for the steady Navier-Stokes equations under the slip boundary conditions in a two-dimensional bounded domain with multiple boundary components. By the incompressibility condition of the fluid, the total flux of the given boundary datum through the boundary must be zero. We prove that this problem has a solution if the friction coefficient is sufficiently large  compared with the kinematic viscosity constant and the curvature of the boundary. No additional assumption (other than the necessary requirement  of zero total flux through the boundary) is imposed on the boundary data. We also show that such an assumption on the friction coefficient is redundant for the existence of a solution in the case when the fluxes across each connected component of the boundary are sufficiently small,  or the domain and the given data satisfy certain symmetry conditions.  This talk is based on the joint work with Prof. Giovanni P. Galdi  (University of Pittsburgh).

第 8 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:  2024年 5月10日(金) 16時 ~ 17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 古川 賢 氏 (理化学研究所)
  • 講演題目: 「濾過現象を表す偏微分方程式の適切性とその挙動に関して」
  • 講演要旨: 本公演では水槽(領域)流体内の物質(微粒子)を境界に設置された濾過装置によって濾過するといった物理過程を表現するための放物型偏微分方程式によるモデルの適切性といくつかの数値計算結果を紹介する.このモデルでは,物質の拡散方程式に対して通常のディリクレ,ノイマン,ロビン境界条件とは異なった境界条件を採用する必要があるため,その理由についての説明も行う.加藤-田辺らによる発展方程式論による線型方程式の解を構成した後,不動点定理を用いて非線形方程式に対する解の構成を行う.数値計算結果ではこのモデルの挙動を可視化し,モデルが「濾過現象」として期待される挙動を示すことを明らかにする.この公演は北畑裕之教授(千葉大学)との共同研究による.

第 7 回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 4月26日(金) 15時30分~17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 齋藤 平和 氏 (電気通信大学情報理工学研究科)
  • 講演題目: 「非圧縮性粘性流体の二相問題の時間大域可解性」
  • 講演要旨: 本講演では、密度が一様でない非圧縮性粘性流体の二相問題について考察する。ラグランジュ座標変換を用いて初期領域上の問題に書き直すことで、上半空間と下半空間上の二相ナヴィエ・ストークス方程式に帰着される。時間重み付きノルムを適切に導入して不動点定理の基盤となる関数空間を設定し、小さな初期値に対する時間大域解の一意存在を証明する。

第6回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 4月12日(金) 15時30分~17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 飯田 祥樹 氏 (早稲田大学大学院基幹理工学研究科)
  • 講演題目: ”Uniqueness of weak solutions to the primitive equations in some anisotropic spaces”
  • 講演要旨: We consider the three-dimensional primitive equations for ocean and atmosphere. The seminal work of Cao-Titi (2007) proved the global well-posedness of this system for arbitrarily large initial data in $H^1$, in contrast to the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. On the other hand, the uniqueness of weak solutions to the primitive equations is still open. In this talk, we give a new class in which the conditional uniqueness holds. In order to control the regularity of the vertical component of the velocity, the proof of our result is basically relied on Littlewood-Paley theory argument. Therefore, our class is based on regularity of Besov spaces. Such a technique of Littlewood-Paley theory also enables us to obtain a slightly larger class which guarantees the energy equality. This talk is mainly based on a joint work with Dr. Tim Binz (TU Darmstadt).

第5回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 3月 1 日(金) 15時30分~17時
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館629教室(通常と教室が異なります)
  • 講 演 者: 大石 健太 氏 (早稲田大学基幹理工学部)
  • 講演題目: ”On the global well-posedness and decay of a free boundary problem ofthe Navier-Stokes equation in the two-dimensional half space”
  • 講演要旨: We establish the global well-posedness and some decay properties for a free boundary problem of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the two-dimensional half space. Since the solution of the free boundary problem decays as fast as the heat semigroup, it decays slowly for low dimensions and this makes it difficult to estimate the nonlinear terms on the boundary. We overcome this difficulty by obtaining some decay from the derivative arising from the trace estimate in the half space.

第4回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 2月 16 日(金) 15時~16時半
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 檜垣 充朗 氏 (神戸大学大学院理学研究科数学専攻)
  • 講演題目: ”円柱外部における軸対称 Navier-Stokes 定常流の存在定理”
  • 講演要旨: 無限に長い円柱の外部における三次元定常軸対称 Navier-Stokes 方程式を考察する.自明解の周りで線形化した方程式について,二次元外部領域における Stokes の逆理の類似が成り立つことに注意する.また,軸対称性のため,二次元外部問題を考える際には有用であった回転流によるスカラーの輸送(または局在化)は起こらない.本講演では,水平方向には減衰するが垂直方向には減衰しない軸対称ベクトル場のクラスにおいて,吸込境界条件下では,与えられた外力に対して方程式の解が存在することを報告する.

第3回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 1月 26 日(金) 16時~17時半
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 出口 直人氏(東京工業大学 理学院数学系 )
  • 講演題目: ”On the stability of stationary compressible Navier-Stokes flows”
  • 講演要旨: In this talk, we consider the stability of the stationary solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equation in the 3D whole space with an external force which decays at spatial infinity. The stationary solution is known to be asymptotically stable if the external force is small enough. In our work, the time decay rates of the Lp norms of the perturbations are derived under the smallness assumption on the initial perturbations. It is also showed that the decay rates are optimal. The proof is based on the combination of the spectral analysis and energy method in Besov spaces. The time-space integral estimates for the linearized semigroup around the constant state in some Besov spaces play a crucial role in the proof.

第2回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2024年 1月 12 日(金) 15時~16時半
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: Prof. Xin Zhang (Tongji University)
  • 講演題目: ”Unique solvability of some weak transmission problem and its application”
  • 講演要旨: Helmholtz-Wely (HW) decomposition (also known as Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition) of the vectors is one fundamental theory in fluid dynamics, which can be also applied to other research fields such as astrophysics, computer graphics and so on. In this talk, we mainly discuss the unique solvability of some weak transmission (WT) problem in the domains with flat boundaries. By solving such WT problem, we can establish the HW decomposition associated to the L_p theory of the two-phase Navier-Stokes problem. Moreover, the domain under our consideration has flat boundaries, and thus the main tool in our analysis is the elementary Fourier analysis.This talk is based on the joint work with Hirokazu Saito (The University of Electro-Communications) and Wendu Zhou (Tongji University).

第1回 流体数学セミナー

  • 日   時:    2023年 12月 15 日(金) 15時~16時半
  • 場所・教室: お茶の水女子大学理学部1号館633教室
  • 講 演 者: 柴田 良弘 氏(早稲田大学 名誉教授)
  • 講演題目: ”Generalized semigroup theory and free boundary problems for the Navier-Stokes equations”
  • 講演要旨: First, I want to talk about generalized semigroup theory, which is an extension of the usual semigroup theory to the evolution equations with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. If 1 < p < ∞, this theory is constructed by R-bounded solution operators to the generalized resolvent problem, and if p=1, it is constructed by interpolating and using the dual argument of the bounded solution operators in the Sobolev spaces to the generalized resolvent problem. Former one is an extension of Dore-Venni and Giga-Sohr theory for Lp maximal regularity theorem of continuous analytic semigroups and the later one is an extension of Da Proato-Grisvard and Danchin-Hieber-Mucha-Tolksdorf theory for L1 maximal regularity theorem of continuous analytic semigroup. Second, I would like to talk about some applications of generalized semigroup theory to the free boundary problem for the Navier-Stokes equations (FBP). The results concerning the local and global well-posedness for several FBPs have been obtained together with Y. Enomoto, T. Kubo, H. Saito, K. Watanabe and X. Zhang.