Category Archives: 未分類
Gallery was updated.
Congratulations upon graduation and their good jobs ! Gallery
Gallery was updated (Birthday & Farewell & Christmas & End year party, etc.).
Birthday, Farewell, Christmas, and End year party, etc. Gallery
Gallery was updated (attending a symposium).
We attended the 17th “Symposium of Laser Spectroscopy by Young Researchers” held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Gallery
Gallery was updated (Farewell & Birthday).
Happy birthdays! and farewell for good jobs. Gallery
Poster presentation award.
R. Nakajima received the excellent poster award at the 17th Molecular Science Symposium (Osaka) 2023. Congratulations ! Gallery
A new paper was published.
A new paper has been published in J. Chem. Phys. It took a long time to finalize it, at last it was published. Publications
Gallery was updated (attending a meeting).
We attended the 17th annual meeting of Japan society for molecular science held at Oosaka univ. Gallery
Gallery was updated, the summer is over.
A sweets festival in the end of summer, a full moon night. Gallery
HOT Paper in Chem. Eur. J.
Our new paper has been selected as a “HOT Paper” in Chem. Eur. J. Thank you for great efforts of authors! Publications
Gallery was updated (Farewell & Birthday).
Farewell for entrance exam. and a birthday. Gallery